Baby Aspirin to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease May Not Beneficiate All Patients

A new and final recommendation has been issued by the U.S. Preventive Task Force on the use of aspirin in cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention. 

“Evidence is pointing to the fact that we’re not seeing a benefit from using low-dose aspirin for reducing risk in patients who don’t already have cardiovascular disease,” says Dr. Demilade Adedinsewo, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist. “Further, the evidence has been pointing toward increased bleeding risk in older patients, specifically those older than 60 who take low-dose aspirin for primary prevention.”

Based on new research studies, the task force’s updated recommendation revises its previous recommendation on who should take aspirin to prevent heart disease. 

The new recommendations are: 

  • Patients over 60 years with no history of CVD and who have not started a low-dose aspirin regimen for heart disease or stroke prevention, should not begin taking low-dose aspirin before consulting their health care team.
  • Patients with documented cardiovascular disease, as well as those who have artificial heart valves or stents in their arteries, should continue their aspirin regimen.

The recommendations are based on new evidence that has been published since previous guidance was last issued in 2016.


Alex Osiadacz. (2022, Apr 26). Low-dose aspirin to prevent heart issues not beneficial for some. Mayo Clinic News Network. Retrieved from:

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