How Avoid the Progression to T2D in Youth with Prediabetes

The rising prevalence of childhood obesity in US children has led to a parallel rise in the prevalence of prediabetes and overt type 2 diabetes. 

Prediabetes is well characterized in adults but less so in children and adolescents: the factors that determine the progression of prediabetes to T2D or its reversion to normoglycemia are poorly defined in the pediatric population.

How many Nutritionist visits are needed? 

Routine nutrition counseling can reverse elevated blood sugar and prevent the development of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents with prediabetes.

Dr. Benjamin U. Nwosu, chief of endocrinology at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park and his team did a retrospective study at 46 boys (mean age 12 years) and 62 girls (mean age 13 years) with prediabetes (HbA1c 5.7% to 6.4%) who were recommended to receive nutrition therapy every three months. This consisted of a nutritionist / registered dietician meeting with families to educate them on reading food labels, making food choices and assessing their nutritional intake. 

They were divided into two groups : the adherent group, defined as youth receiving two or more nutrition visits per year (44, 41.5%) and the nonadherent group receiving none or only one nutrition visit per year (62, 58.5%). Over four years, 18 youth (17.0%) progressed to type 2 diabetes, including 14 of the 62 nonadherent youth (22.6%) and 4 of the 44 adherent youth (9.1%).

Adherence to nutrition visits was associated with a four-fold reduction in the likelihood of progressing from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes (hazard ratio 3.88).

This data suggests that adherence to nutrition visits could reverse prediabetes by decreasing insulin resistance. This new information should encourage parents of children with prediabetes to optimize their children’s adherence to nutrition visits.


Sadichchha Parajuli, Gabrielle Jasmin, Hannan Sirak, Austin F. Lee and Benjamin Udoka Nwosu,  (June 22, 2022). Prediabetes: Adherence to Nutrition Visits Decreases HbA1c in Children and Adolescents. Frontiers in Endocrinology. Retrieved from : 


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash