Category Archives: Regenerative Medicine News and General Information

New Study Unveils Novel Technology for Plasma Separation Using Magnets

A team of researchers, affiliated with UNIST has recently unveiled a hemolysis-free and highly efficient blood plasma separation platform. Published in the May 2021 issue of Small, this breakthrough has been led by Professor Joo H. Kang and his research team in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNIST. The research team expects that the […]

Hypertension Drug Could Extend Lifespan and Slow Aging

Published in Aging Cell, the findings show that animals treated with rilmenidine, currently used to treat hypertension, at young and older ages increases lifespan and improves health markers, mimicking the effects of caloric restriction. They also demonstrate that the healthspan and lifespan benefits of rilmenidine treatment in the roundworm C. elegans are mediated by the […]

Small Molecule may Restores Visual Function After Optic Nerve Injury

Traumatic injury to the brain, spinal cord and optic nerve in the central nervous system (CNS) are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death worldwide. CNS injuries often result in a catastrophic loss of sensory, motor and visual functions, which is the most challenging problem faced by clinicians and research […]

New Ocean-Based Molecule Could Fight Parkinson’s Disease

As the population continues to age, a pandemic of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is emerging, with conservative estimates of over 14 million victims globally by 2040. While PD patients display a wide range of non-motor features, the defining symptoms are progressive motor deficits due to striatal dopaminergic insufficiency secondary to loss of dopaminergic nigral neurons.  Current […]

Lower Bacterial Diversity is Associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have lower bacterial diversity in the intestine than do healthy people, according to a team of Korean investigators. The investigators believe that theirs is the first analysis to find a clear association between IBS and reduced diversity in the microbiota of the gut. The research appears in Microbiology Spectrum, […]

Is it Possible to Extend the Longevity of Reproductive Stem Cells?

People are having children later than ever before. The average age of new parents in the United States has been rising for at least the past half century. But time is tough on our bodies and our reproductive systems. For instance, as animals age, our stem cells are less effective at renewing our tissues. This […]

Simple Nasal Spray Significantly Reduces Needing to Take Tonsils Out

Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in children is characterized by snoring and difficulty breathing during sleep. SDB affects at least 12% of otherwise healthy children and can cause significant long-term issues impacting cognitive function, behavior and cardiovascular health. Evidence from small clinical trials suggests that intranasal corticosteroids improve SDB as measured by polysomnography; however, the effect […]

Probiotics Improve Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting affect about 85% of pregnant women and have a significantly negative impact on life quality during early pregnancy. Vitamin B6, antihistamine doxylamine, and metoclopramide may benefit patients who have nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Alternatively, holistic remedies may be useful. Overall, there is a lack of strong evidence that any of these […]

Exosome Therapy may be Better Repair of Aged-Damaged Skin than Stem-Cells

Human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs), the main cell population of the dermis, gradually lose their ability to produce collagen and renew intercellular matrix with aging.  Exosomes are tiny sacs (30 — 150 nanometers across) that are excreted and taken up by cells. They can transfer DNA, RNA or proteins from cell to cell, affecting the function […]

New Approach for Treating Obesity

For many people, keeping a healthy body weight can be a challenge. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among adults 20 years-old and over, the prevalence of obesity is 42% in the U.S. Obesity-related conditions, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, are among the leading causes […]