Monthly Archives: November 2021

Female Sexual Dysfunction Treatment With Regenerative Medicine

What is Female Sexual Dysfunction? Sexual dysfunction consists in persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response, desire, orgasms or pain, that distress you or strain your relationship with your partner.  Many women experience problems with sexual function at some point, and some have difficulties throughout their lives. Female sexual dysfunction can occur at any stage of […]

Managing Weight In Diabetes

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reports that 1 in 10 adults are living with diabetes. Type 2 diabetes accounts for more than 90%Trusted Source of these cases. The IDF estimates that diabetes will affect 643 million people worldwide by 2030, with the number rising to 784 million by 2045. A number of studies have investigated […]

COVID-19 Vaccines for Children. What are the Risks?

All vaccines undergo rigorous safety tests before receiving approval for use in the general population. However, no drug is guaranteed to be free from side effects and risks. So, what are the side effects that children receiving the COVID-19 vaccine may present?  The FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine for children from 5-11 years on October […]

New mRNA Vaccine Could Help Prevent Lyme Disease

The ticks Ixodes scapularis transmit many pathogens that cause human disease, including Borrelia burgdorferi. Acquired resistance to I. scapularis due to repeated tick exposure has the potential to prevent tick-borne infectious disease, and salivary proteins have been postulated to contribute to this process.  Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi that is transmitted […]

Vitamin D and Omega-3 Could Reduce Autoimmune Disease Risk

Vitamin D has been inconsistently associated with reduced risk of several autoimmune diseases and large, randomized controlled trials have been lacking. Dietary marine-derived long-chain omega-3 fatty acids decrease systemic inflammation and ameliorate symptoms in some autoimmune diseases, but no trials have tested if they can lower the risk of developing autoimmune diseases. New Controlled Trial  […]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment With Regenerative Medicine

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common peripheral entrapment neuropathy. The gradual ischemia resulting from high pressure with accompanying compression of the median nerve (MN) within the carpal tunnel is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of CTS.  What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by […]

Human Mental Function Boost with Brain Electrical Stimulation

A new study from the University of Minnesota Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital show it is possible to improve specific human brain functions related to self-control and mental flexibility by merging artificial intelligence with targeted electrical brain stimulation.  The study was published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering in November 2021. The research was […]

Is Dexamethasone Use For COVID-19 Beneficial?

Dexamethasone significantly improved outcomes in patients requiring supplementary oxygen and in ventilated patients with COVID-19 in the RECOVERY trial. It is now routinely used in these patients. However, dysglycaemia is commonly associated with steroid use and is an established risk factor for poorer outcomes in COVID-19. It can increase the risk of other infections and […]

Stem Cell Therapy for Neurodegenerative Conditions

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells, which means that they have the capacity to develop into multiple specialized cell types present in a tissue. They play an important role in cell therapies and are preferred over other types of stem cells, especially in neurodegenerative diseases (NNDs), due to their abilities, that include: multilinear […]