Monthly Archives: May 2022

Anti-Aging Benefits of Exercise

Aging is a complex and intraindividual process, usually defined as a time-dependent progressive loss of the individual’s physiological integrity, which eventually leads to deteriorated physical function.  The accumulated molecular and cellular damage across an individual’s life span often leads to age-associated pathological conditions and thus makes them more prone to disease and death.  Despite hundreds […]

One Step Closer to Restoring Hearing Loss Cells

Hearing loss due to aging, noise, or other mechanisms such as drugs and antibiotics has been irreversible because scientists have not been able to reprogram existing cells to develop into the outer and inner ear sensory cells that are essential for hearing, once they die.  In a recently published study, researchers have discovered a master […]

Exercise as Medicine for Different Chronic Diseases

Physical activity represents a cornerstone in the primary prevention of at least 35 chronic conditions. However, over the past two decades, considerable knowledge has accumulated concerning the significance of exercise as the first-line treatment of several chronic diseases.  A review of multiple studies was performed by B.K. Pedersen and B. Saltin, which included the latest […]

Efficacy and Safety of Umbilical Cord MSCs for Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a heterogeneous syndrome that is characterized by a progressive deterioration in glycemic control caused by decreased insulin sensitivity and diminished insulin secretion, which has become a serious threat to human health worldwide due to its high prevalence and severe morbidity. Diet, physical exercise, and glucose-lowering medications have been shown […]

Nutrition, Longevity & Disease

Diet as a whole, encompassing food composition, calorie intake, and length and frequency of fasting periods, affects the time span in which health and functional capacity are maintained.  In a recently published study, researchers analyzed hundreds of studies to identify a diet that optimizes human health and longevity. The team found that diets with low […]

Cornea Stem Cells Disrupted by Not Sleeping Enough

Sleep is a fundamental requirement for all animals. Appropriate quality and quantity of sleep is essential for the maintenance of mental and physical health. Due to societal pressures and light pollution, sleep deficiency has become a common public health problem, affecting approximately 10-20% of individuals worldwide, especially children and young adults.  Short-term consequences of insufficient […]

New Diagnostic Method for Skin Cancer

Currently the general method to diagnose skin cancer is through visual inspection by a dermatologist with the aid of a dermatoscope, after which a biopsy is performed to confirm the diagnoThe visual examination accuracy is highly variable and depends on the level of training and experience of the clinician. A biopsy is an invasive procedure […]

Vitamin D and Breast Cancer

Studies have shown that vitamin D has anticarcinogenic properties, including inhibition of cell proliferation and angiogenesis, and induction of cell differentiation and apoptosis.  Observational studies have provided evidence that vitamin D may protect against some chronic diseases, including breast cancer.  Black/African American women and Hispanic/Latina women tend to have lower circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels […]

Gut Bacteria May Be Responsible for Food Cravings

In a recently published study by the New University of Pittsburgh, researchers have shown for the first time that the microbes in animals’ guts influence what they choose to eat, making substances that prompt cravings for different kinds of foods. The results appear in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. For the […]

Using Stem Cells to Slow Human Aging Process

Aging is a natural biological process that affects every cell in our bodies, resulting in various age-related pathologies, and finally the death of each multicellular organism. It is a complicated and multifactorial process, in which different mechanisms participate, including mitochondrial dysfunction, lysosome processing, endoplasmic reticulum stress, genomic instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic alterations, stem cell exhaustion, […]