Monthly Archives: August 2022

New Study Findings: Common Viruses May Trigger Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease

The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) has been implicated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and vaccination against shingles, caused by VZV, has been shown to decrease the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s. The virus might reside latently in the brain, and reactivation might cause direct damage leading to AD, as proposed for herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), […]

Fiber Present in Banana May Help Reduce Risk of Some Hereditary Cancers

Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate that doesn’t get digested in the small intestine. Instead, it ferments in your large intestine and feeds beneficial gut bacteria. This type of starch provides numerous health benefits and has fewer calories than regular starch, having only 2 calories per gram, while regular starches contain 4 per gram.  […]

Stem Cells as Promising Therapy for Brachial Plexus Injury

Brachial plexus injury (BPI) is an advanced peripheral nerve injury that results in paralysis of the upper extremities. This injury is often caused by high-energy trauma such as road traffic accidents and young adult groups often experience it. Massive motor neuron damage and impairment functions of the brachial plexus-innervated muscles are the results of severe […]

Platelet-Rich Plasma Prevent Infectious Process in Chronic Wounds

Chronic wounds, defined as wounds that present with delayed healing, are considered to be a serious problem worldwide and are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality, and also have a huge economic impact. A great problem with these lesions is the colonization of bacteria and tha infection caused by. In general, chronic wounds are colonized […]

Is it Possible to Achieve Remission in Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a major global health concern, affecting mortality rates and the quality of life of those with the condition and their families.  There were an estimated 463 million people with diabetes in the world in 2019, of whom 90% to 95% have type 2 diabetes. By 2045, it is estimated that there will be […]

Flavonols Present in Cocoa May Reduce Blood Pressure

Nearly half of adults in the United States (47%, or 116 million) have hypertension, defined as a systolic blood pressure greater than 130 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure greater than 80 mmHg or are taking medication for hypertension. In 2020, more than 670k deaths in the United States had hypertension as a primary or […]

Human Amniotic Membrane as a Treatment of Superficial Second-Degree Burns in Children

Scald burns in children are a common presentation to the emergency department. Burn injury has devastating long-term physical, psychological, and financial consequences for the child and family. The ideal dressing would require a 1-time application in the emergency department and would relieve pain, be readily available, be inexpensive, expedite healing, and reduce scarring. Human amniotic […]

Some Alcohol Consumption Shows Benefit for Older Adults

Young adults aged 15-34 years derive no significant health benefits from alcohol consumption, but moderate drinking may benefit the over-40 crowd, according to a new analysis. The health risks and benefits of moderate alcohol consumption are complex and remain a hot topic of debate. The data suggest that small amounts of alcohol may reduce the […]

Health Benefits of Mushroom Consumption

Mushrooms are regarded as a vegetable but they are actually fungi. They have been consumed as a functional food by many cultures for centuries because of their unique taste, subtle flavor, and role in a healthful diet, being low in calories, carbohydrates, sodium, and fats and cholesterol-free. Edible mushrooms are rich in compounds such as […]

Green Tea May Help Reduce Gut Inflammation and Blood Sugar Levels

In a new study recently published in the journal Current Developments in Nutrition, researchers evaluated whether health risks associated with metabolic syndrome may be diminished by consuming green tea extract.  Green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant. Its dried leaves and leaf buds are used to make several different teas, including black and […]