Author Archives: Rocio Gallegos, MD

New Technology to Select Healthier Sperm for IVF Success

Approximately one in six people worldwide is affected by infertility, according to the World Health Organization. With a 78% failure rate, each IVF cycle can be an emotional rollercoaster that often ends in heartbreak. “While much work has been done around selecting eggs and embryos to boost the success rates of IVF, sperm selection, an […]

New Form of Omega-3 Could Prevent Visual Decline in Alzheimer’s Disease

The DHA found in fish oil capsules and other supplements is typically in a form called triacylglycerol DHA. Although TAG-DHA has benefits in other parts of the body, it does not reach the eyes because it cannot travel from the bloodstream into the retina. For the study, researchers created a new lysophospholipid form of DHA, […]

New Light on How IBD Can Develop

Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, describes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, two chronic diseases that cause inflammation in the intestines. IBD is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissues. The intestinal epithelium, made up of a layer of cells that lines the intestine, plays an important role in IBD because […]

Slowing Down in Your Old Age May Be a Dementia Warning Sign

It’s generally accepted that we will lose muscle strength and slow down as we age, making it more difficult to perform simple tasks such as getting up, walking and sitting down. But new Edith Cowan University  research indicates this could also be a signal for another sinister health concern of aging: late-life dementia. To investigate […]

Gel Stops Brain Tumors in Mice

Medication delivered by a novel gel cured 100% of mice with an aggressive brain cancer. “We think this hydrogel will be the future and will supplement current treatments for brain cancer.” said Honggang Cui, a Johns Hopkins University chemical and biomolecular engineer who led the research. Cui’s team combined an anticancer drug and an antibody […]

Rheumatoid Arthritic Pain Could Be Caused by Antibodies

Antibodies that exist in the joints before the onset of rheumatoid arthritis can cause pain even in the absence of arthritis, report researchers from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden report.  “Pain can appear before any sign of inflammation in the joints and can remain a problem after it has healed. Our aim was to find possible […]

High Blood Pressure in Your 30s is Associated with Worse Brain Health in Your 70s

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is blood pressure that is higher than normal. A normal blood pressure level is less than 130/80 mmHg. The rate of high blood pressure varies by sex and race. About 50% of men have high blood pressure compared to 44% of women The research compared magnetic resonance imaging […]

Poor Air Quality Linked to Cognitive Problems in Babies

A new study published today reveals an association between poor air quality in India and impaired cognition in infants under two. Lead researcher Prof John Spencer, from UEA’s School of Psychology, said: “Prior work has shown that poor air quality is linked to cognitive deficits in children, as well as to emotional and behavioral problems, […]

Genes Are Read Faster and More Sloppily in Old Age

Fast but sloppy, that’s how the transcription of genes changes with age. Six research groups discovered a new molecular mechanism that contributes to aging by studying the transcription process in five different model organisms and in a wide variety of tissues. Aging impairs a wide range of cellular processes. Among these processes, the reading of […]

Wearable Patch Can Painlessly Deliver Drugs Through the Skin

In hopes of making it easier to deliver drugs through the skin, MIT researchers have developed a wearable patch that applies painless ultrasonic waves to the skin, creating tiny channels that drugs can pass through. “The ease-of-use and high-repeatability offered by this system provides a game-changing alternative to patients and consumers suffering from skin conditions […]