Monthly Archives: April 2023

Bariatric Surgery May Reverse Diabetes Complications and Help with Peripheral Neuropathy

A research team led by the University of Michigan Health Department of Neurology followed more than 120 patients who underwent bariatric surgery for obesity over two years after the procedure. They found that all metabolic risk factors for developing diabetes, such as high glucose and lipid levels, improved outside of blood pressure and total cholesterol. […]

Sugar Molecule in Blood Can Predict Alzheimer’s Disease

Early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease requires reliable and cost-effective screening methods. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have now discovered that a type of sugar molecule in blood is associated with the level of tau, a protein that plays a critical role in the development of severe dementia.  The study, which is published […]

New Genetic Target for Male Contraception Identified

Discovery of a gene in multiple mammalian species could pave the way for a highly effective, reversible and non-hormonal male contraceptive for humans and animals. Washington State University researchers identified expression of the gene, Arrdc5, in the testicular tissue of mice, pigs, cattle and humans. When they knocked out the gene in mice, it created […]

Chronic Stress Can Result in Loss of Pleasure and Depression

Scientists at the Medical College of Georgia looked in the hypothalamus, key to functions like releasing hormones and regulating hunger, thirst, mood, sex drive and sleep, at a population of neurons called the proopiomelanocortin, or POMC, neurons, in response to 10 days of chronic, unpredictable stress.  They found the stressors increased spontaneous firing of these […]

Brain Injury Can Lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder in U.S. military members frequently follows a concussion-like brain injury.  “Is one causing the other, and how does that occur?” asked senior author Michael Fanselow.  Two groups of rats were studied. Through surgery, a concussion-like brain injury was produced in 19 of the rats. Sixteen other rats also had the surgery, but […]

Time-Restricted Fasting Could Cause Fertility Problems

Time-restricted fasting diets could cause fertility problems according to new research from the University of East Anglia. The study published on April 12th, shows that time-restricted fasting affects reproduction differently in male and female zebrafish. Importantly, some of the negative effects on eggs and sperm quality can be seen after the fish returned to their […]

Promising Stem Cell Approach To Restore Vision In Eye Diseases

A preclinical study using stem cells to produce progenitor photoreceptor cells — light-detecting cells found in the eye — and then transplanting these into experimental models of damaged retinas has resulted in significant vision recovery.  This finding, by scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School, the Singapore Eye Research Institute and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, marks […]

Why Knee Joint Injury Leads to Osteoarthritis

Knee joint injuries are typically related to sports, but people often do not know that such injuries may lead to joint inflammation and post-traumatic osteoarthritis. The study presents a new mechanobiological model for cartilage degeneration by implementing tissue deformation and fluid flow as mechanisms for cartilage breakdown when a normal dynamic loading, such as walking, […]

Which Fermented Foods are Best for your Brain?

Fermented foods are a source of tryptophan, an amino acid key to the production of serotonin, a messenger in the brain which influences several aspects of brain function, including mood. The foods may also contain other brain messengers in their raw form. Researchers at APC Microbiome, University College Cork, and Teagasc are currently working on […]