Monthly Archives: October 2023

New Cancer Drug Targets Uncovered

Searching for new ways to block the growth of cancer cells is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Tumor cells rely on thousands of proteins to function, but only a few of those proteins can be precisely targeted by drugs to treat cancer safely and effectively. Now, a team at Scripps Research and […]

Protein That Could Help Defeat Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, a disorder of progressively worsening memory and other thinking abilities. It rose up in the ranks of leading causes of death over the past several decades. An effective treatment against this disease could give back to the patient the decision when to retire and improve quality […]

Review of Over 70 Years of Menopause Science Highlights Research Gaps and Calls for Individualized Treatment

Although about half of people go through menopause, less than 15% of them receive effective treatment for their symptoms. Treatment options for people experiencing irritating or severe menopause symptoms are often under researched, and some have questionable efficacy, or cause harmful side effects.  “The road to menopause is not difficult for all, but for some, […]

Diabetes Could Be Linked to Functional and Structural Brain Changes

Researchers analyzing data from 51 middle-aged Pima American Indians living with type 2 diabetes used a series of memory and language tests called the NIH Toolbox Cognitive Battery, as well as MRI, to determine the relationship between diabetes, cognition and makeup of the brain. Brain imaging suggested that study participants with longer durations of type […]

Compensation by Healthy Brain Parts Alleviates Parkinson Symptoms

It was already known that in Parkinson’s disease the cells in the brain that produce dopamine slowly disappear. This is why patients are given extra dopamine as medication. But only a limited link has been found between the loss of those cells, and the severity of symptoms in Parkinson’s. Even if all the cells have […]

Exposure to Air Pollution Linked to Increased Risk of Stroke Within 5 Days

Short-term exposure to air pollution may be linked to an increased risk of stroke, according to a meta-analysis published in the September 27, 2023, online issue of Neurology®. “Previous research has established a connection between long-term exposure to air pollution and an increased risk of stroke,” said study author Ahmad Toubasi, MD. “However, the correlation […]

Treating Disease: Removal of Aging Cells?

A research team, led by Professor Ja Hyoung Ryu from the Department of Chemistry at UNIST, in collaboration with Professor Hyewon Chung from Konkuk University, has achieved a significant breakthrough in the treatment of age-related diseases.  Their cutting-edge technology offers a promising new approach by selectively removing aging cells, without harming normal healthy cells. This […]

Brain-Based Treatment of Chronic Back Pain

A new study in JAMA Network Open may provide key answers to how to help people experiencing chronic back pain. The study, published today, examined the critical connection between the brain and pain for treating chronic pain. Specifically, they looked at the importance of pain attributions, which are people’s beliefs about the underlying causes of […]

New Study Uncovers Potential Treatment for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

A breakthrough study, jointly led by Professor Jang Hyun Choi and Professor Sung Ho Park from the Department of Biological Sciences at UNIST has identified an important factor involved in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) caused by obesity. The research team discovered that Thrap3, a protein associated with thyroid hormone receptors, plays […]

New Findings on Hair Loss in Men

A receding hairline, a total loss of hair from the crown, and ultimately, the classical horseshoe-shaped pattern of baldness: Previous research into male pattern hair loss, also termed androgenetic alopecia, has implicated multiple common genetic variants.  Human geneticists from the University Hospital of Bonn (UKB) and by the Transdisciplinary Research Unit “Life & Health” of […]