Monthly Archives: February 2024

Older Adults With Newly Diagnosed Migraine Disorder Three Times More Likely to Have Motor Vehicle Crash

A new study from researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus finds that older adult drivers who are recently diagnosed with migraines are three times as likely to experience a motor vehicle crash.  “Migraine headaches affect more than 7% of U.S. adults over the age of 60,” says Carolyn DiGuiseppi, MPH, PhD, MD. […]

People Experience More Health and Wellbeing Issues When They Feel Overwhelmed by Stressful Situations

People who tend to view stressful situations as a threat are more likely to experience health and wellbeing problems, both mental and physical, than those who see them as a challenge, according to new research. The research explored stress appraisals, health and wellbeing of 395 sport performers through an online survey. The researchers believe the […]

Type 2 Diabetes Alters the Behavior of Discs in the Vertebral Column

Type 2 diabetes alters the behavior of discs in the vertebral column, making them stiffer, and also causes the discs to change shape earlier than normal. As a result, the disc’s ability to withstand pressure is compromised. This is one of the findings of a new study in rodents from a team of engineers and […]

Treating Liver Cancer With Microrobots Piloted by a Magnetic Field

Canadian researchers led by Montreal radiologist Gilles Soulez have developed a novel approach to treat liver tumours using magnet-guided microrobots in an MRI device. Guided by an external magnetic field, miniature biocompatible robots, made of magnetizable iron oxide nanoparticles, can theoretically provide medical treatment in a very targeted manner. Until now, there has been a […]

Insights Into the Link of Mouth Bacteria to Pulmonary Fibrosis Survival

Bacteria in the mouth may play a role in survival from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), finds a new study led by researchers from the University of Michigan and the University of Virginia. Working under the hypothesis that treatment with antibiotics could improve outcomes in patients with the disease, the CleanUP-IPF study includes the collection of […]

Ketamine’s Promise for Severe Depression Grows

Sparked by promising studies and stories of lives transformed, clinics offering intravenous infusions of ketamine have popped up nationwide. Some also offer a newer, more expensive, nasal spray version. But major questions remain about who ketamine can help, why some people get tremendous relief within days or weeks while others don’t, and the costs and […]

Double Risk of Dementia After Herpes Virus

People who have had the herpes virus at some point in their lives are twice as likely to develop dementia compared to those who have never been infected. A new study from Uppsala University confirms previous research on whether herpes can be a possible risk factor for dementia. The researchers studied 1,000 70-year-olds from Uppsala […]

Smoking Has Long-Term Effects on the Immune System

Like other factors such as age, sex and genetics, smoking has a major impact on immune responses.  This is the finding recently made by a team of scientists at the Institut Pasteur using the Milieu Intérieur cohort of 1,000 healthy volunteers, established to understand variability in immune responses.  In addition to its short-term impact on […]

B Vitamins to Treat Advanced Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Scientists have uncovered a mechanism that leads to an advanced form of fatty liver disease — and it turns out that vitamin B12 and folic acid supplements could reverse this process. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease involves fat build-up in the liver and is a leading cause of liver transplants worldwide. When the condition progresses to […]

Researchers Identify a Drug That Mimics the Effects of Exercise on Muscle and Bone in Mice

Physical inactivity can result in a weakening of the muscles (known as sarcopenia) and bones (known as osteoporosis). Exercise dispels this frailty, increasing muscle strength and promoting bone formation while suppressing bone resorption. However, exercise therapy cannot be applied to all clinical cases. Drug therapy may be helpful in treating sarcopenia and osteoporosis, especially when […]